Sign up with Everyday Hero

Become a Hero for the Great Barrier Reef Foundation and help us raise funds by registering your event.

Giving is more than just money
Giving is the effort you put in
Giving is the time you spend
Giving is your voice when you spread the word
Giving is working together to make a bigger difference

That’s why everydayhero enables you to give to the Great Barrier Reef in just about any way you want.

How it works

Setting up on everydayhero is really easy. 

All you need to do is:

  1. Create 
    Tell everydayhero your chosen charity - The Great Barrier Reef Foundation - and how much you'd like to raise.
  2. Personalise
    Add a photo of yourself and share your personal story to help others to connect with your cause of protecting and preserving the Great Barrier Reef.
  3. Share
    Share your fundraiser to inspire donations and support from family, friends, and colleagues.
  4. Track
    Everything you do counts! Track your effort, progress, and impact.

Contact us

Phone +61 7 3252 7555  |  Email

Tell us if you have a great story about your fundraising activity or if you need a hand setting up your activity in everydayhero.