We extend our thanks to all those who have generously supported the Great Barrier Reef Foundation over the past five years*. Your support allows us to continue to deliver projects that protect and restore the Reef for future generations.

Our donors
Principal Companion
Merchant Charitable Foundation |
Principal Fellow
John B. Reid AO |
ANZ Banking Group |
Google Australia |
Indeed Australia |
The Bluesand Foundation |
Leading Fellow
Craig Tonkes |
NuGrow |
The Great Barrier Reef Foundation is grateful for the leading support of Queensland’s banana growers
Pacific Coast Produce | Megadeen Farming | Russell River Valley Produce |
Leading Supporter
Gemma Fortini | David Rolley |
Claire Hooper | Anthony Rose |
Marie Jameson | Andrew Rosewarne |
Alan Joffe | Paul Thomas |
Patrice Kelly | Terry Treadwell |
Russell Kift | Hannah Walter |
Lady Elliot Island Eco Resort |
Patricia Aakre
Jenna Ackerman Maree Adair Philip Adams April Adams Gianni Aerts Antoine Allard Zayn Al-Timimi Douglas Altree Suzie Ambrose Luke Anderson Tamara Andrew Cameron Andrews Mark Arney William Ascroft Charles Ausman Alicia Awad Sara Aybar Karyn Bailey Beth Bakeman Kathleen Baker James Baldry Kimberley Banfield Renee Bardetta Jasmine Barrett Rachael Baskerville Stephanie Bazin Marilyn Beatton Judith Beatty Alex Berghuis Maxime Bergman Maryline Beroud Hamish Best Rae Binstock Laura Biondi Maddie Boley Andrew Bonsignori Josh Borley Martijn Bosboom Joshua Boughton Graham Bower Anthony Brookes Lisa Brown Melinda Brown Sarah Bryce Jared Buckley Kate Burford William Burton Sam Caddell Rachel Cahill Finn Campion Helen Carlson Glenn Chapman Michelle Chiang Azim Chowdhury Samuel Chua Isabella Chua Ya-Tien Chuang Ebony Colley Erin Collins Herb Congdon Aubrey Cook Siobhan Coombs Lillian Cottrell Teri Coulson Natasha Cowey Roman Cowman Kristen Cunningham Jill Dalton Khai Dang Gillian Daniels Joya Das Lynne Davies Kate Day Dirk de Lange Jacqueline De Waal Adam Deer Blue Delliquanti Chrisanthi Demos Laura Denham Tabloid Design Subir Devaiah Tyler Dietrich Massimiliano Ditroilo Robin Dobson Jessica Dong Emily Donohoe Oliver Doraisamy Jenifer Dorman Neil Doyle Alice Drake Samantha du Preez Patricia Edward Eleanor Egan-Gilbert Bernadette Ellisha Douglas Eustace Jelena Faine Leona Farquhar Mairead Farrell | Anneliese Feldman Jennifer Fidlon-Bugat Maddie Ford Lynne Formosa Christopher Foster Lia Freestone Josh Fyfe Corinne Gard Devin Gardner Darlene Gilroy Nicola Glenn Niels Glimsholt Christina Glink Ricky Goddard Julie Good Maria Goodson Richard Gorak Justin Gordon Taegan Graham Lisa Grand-Court Cathryn Grant Anthony Gray Linda Green Daniel Gschwind Andrea Guardado Kate Guerin-Calvert Sarah Hamilton Edwina Harrison Rosemary Hearne Beth Hebron Stine Heimdal Deb Herman Marilyn Hind James Hindle Erica Hoggett Jami Holden Anna Hollingsworth Dayna Hornbrook Tyler Howard Amy Hsu Bec Hyland Suzanne Isaack Duncan Ismay Lewis Jacoby Sarah James Michaela Janu Barrie Janz Debra Jay Renee Jezard Rosemary Johnson Alison Johnson Nicole Johnson Christine Jolly Timothy Jones Adam Kaplan Johan Kaspers Loanna Katrantzi James Kearney Kwong Kee Rhonda Keleher Graeme Kelleher Jan Kerrison Thea Khan-Farooqi Sean King Nicholas King Dana Kingsford Lynette Kirby Katherine Kitchens S P Kitley Paula Kloosterman Irina Kozlova Angelika Kruk Denise Kuan Elizabeth Lacey Janet Lambregts Isobel Lang Ben Langfield Viljami Lappalainen Florent Le Mens Thomas Lea Stephen Lederkramer Jonathan Lee Andrew Leon Eva Lewis Konrad Liepins Catherine Lobb Zak Lochrie Kennedy Lopez-Nguyen Christine Loughry Tyler Love Mardi Lowe L Lucero Wise Lum Rhiannon Macdonald John Maddock Dimity Maher Alice Main Julie Maitland Mark Majkrzak | Anna Malin Emily Malison Nicholas Malon Justine Mann Daphne Mantle Jacquenot Marie Jade Mars Cheryl Marsden Lyndsey Martin Rae Anne Martinez Nicole Mathison James Matthews Andrea McAully Kate McCartney Mary Mccloud Lara Mcdonald Sarah McDonald Ross Mcevoy Anne Mcgrath Dermid McGrath Alison Mcguigan Conor McMahon Hazel Mcmahon Jennifer McMaster Sarah McNutt Samantha Mentonelli Rhandy Merrick Stuart Meteyard Jeff Micallef Sage Michaels Jason Miller Alice Miller Jennifer Miller Suzi Mitkovski Connie Mitropoulos Jin Moon Jane Morley Bronwyn Morrison Brent Mossop Jessie Mount Melinda Mueller Jonathan Myers Taylor Myles Priya Naidu-James Marika Naude Nia Negrete Brenton Nembach India Nicholls Charlotte Nicol Maximiliano Stephen Nicolic Jaidy Noceda Caitlin Nye Johanna Nylander Kartini Oei Jonathan O'Keeffe Nicholas Opie Diem Ovington Grant Pace Daniel Park Ted Paul Isla Pearson Bradley Perry Laurine Pezet Erin Phillips James Phillipson Graham Plant Sarah Popelka Emily Pray Jordan Prendergast Tammy Prewitt Lauren Price Adrian Pulfer Alexander Purdue Niranjan Purohit Jeremy Putnam Victoria Pye Vijay Randev Bridget Rankin Diane Ranson Kaylene Rawson Rachael Raymond Tommy Redmond Russell Reichelt Caroline Rhodes Catherine Rinaldi Autumn River Miles Roberts Pheobe Roberts Larry Robertson Sharon Robins Malcolm Robinson Emma Rodd Michala Rojo Tom Ross Chloe Rudkin Amanda Rumbaugh Dan Rupoli Michael Ryan Kerri Ryan | Antony Rymer Kerry Rymer Kate Sacks Rankin Salinas Nicholas Sargent Ben Satterfield Simon Schlup Grace Schuette Rebecca Schultz Robin Scutt Theodor Secanell Holstad Margaret Seedsman Anne Seeman Linda Servin Trisha Shipsey Stephanie Shulhan Ian Sidders Arnold Siegel Renato Silva Peter Silver Sonja Simic Sharon Siow Ashleigh Sivwright Lucy Slater George Smith Sara Smolover Amanda Sole Chris Somerville Regina Spadoni Jocelyn Stacey John Standing Miwa Stark Luann Stevens Megan Straughn Louise Sturgess Jack Sutton Amanda Suutari Marla Swift John Szabo Elisabeth Thomas Kendra Thomas Bryan Thomas Jody Thompson Celia Thompson R Tipping Robin Tollyfield Merle Tonts Jordyn Toohill Abbey Trewenack Hannah Triplett David Tuffley Angela Tumeth Jade Tuncdoruk Rebecca Vagg Shirlee & Terry Valo Tiarne Van De Walle Stephan van der Woude Serginho Van Dijk Nikos Vasilellis Jaide Vidafar Carolina Villalobos Emily Vink Rachana Vyas Dayna Wade Lucy Waldron Chris Walmsley Hao Wang Qianxian Wang Joshua Weaver Emily Wei-Hsin Sun Maddy West Gemma White Barbara White Karen Whitehead Aly Whitmore Natalie Whittle Kali Wilcox Andrew Williams Lucy Wilson Mika Wojciech Davis Wood Howard Woods Zoe Woods Becky Wootten Kate Woytowicz Scott Wright Stephan Wurzinger Wanli Xing Chia yun Mao Viki Zhang Joshua Zucker Bamkiki Toothbrush Marika Wassberg & Peter Skarvik New Media Design Red Hat Asia Pacific Pty Ltd Red Wolf Wallce Village Fiberworks . . |
The Great Barrier Reef Foundation gratefully received bequests from the estates of the following
Emily’s Wish | The Estate of the Late Dorothy Jean Dean |
The Great Barrier Reef Foundation thanks all our supporter schools and community clubs that have chosen to support us and gratefully accept their enthusiastic support.
Auburn Primary School | Laurimar Primary School | Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School |
Bloomfield Hills High School Environmental Club | Lioness Club of Palm Beach | Portledge School |
Edward John Eyre High School | LSS Dance | Princes Hill Secondary College |
Emilie Wustenfeld Gymnasium | Maitland Primary School | Rancho San Diego Elementary School |
Faith Lutheran College | Manifold Heights Primary School | Roma Mitchell High School |
Girl Guides Australia | Mater Christi College | Sherwood Middle School |
Hawthorne Primary School | Nazareth Catholic College | St Bernardine's School (Browns Plains) |
Inner Sydney Montessori School | Oak Park and River Forest High School | Wesley College |
John Curtin College of The Arts | Our Lady of the Rosary School Caloundra | West Morris Mendham High School |
Kolbe Catholic College | Owen Danoff Music |
* 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2017